Delivery and Returns
Parcel Delivery
In general, parcels will be sent within 48 hours of payment being received, via UPS with a tracking number and without a signature required. If you would prefer registered delivery via UPS Extra there will be an additional charge. Please contact us before requesting this option. Whichever delivery option you choose, we will provide you with a link so that you can track your order online.
Shipping costs include the cost of handling and packaging, as well as postage costs. Handling costs have a fixed price however transport costs can vary depending on the total weight of the package. We advise you to group all of your items in the same order. We cannot combine two different orders and shipping costs will be applied to each one individually. We cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the package after it has been posted but we do everything we can to protect fragile items.
Our boxes are large and your items will be well protected.